Thursday, March 10, 2011

How It All Started

It was 2010, some time in July. I was working full time and looking after my family. I was, and there is no way of sugar coating this - overweight. I was tired, and had no enthusiasm for life. I kept telling myself that "one day" I would do something about my weight, and "one day" that weight would come off.

There were many reasons why I was in this situation - more about those later. Suffice to say - here I was. Overweight, and if the BMI calculations were to be believed - actually obese (who? me? surely not). Then, during dinner, I was thrown a lifeline.

A story came on the television about a study being done by the CSIRO. They were setting up a website to determine whether social networking helped in the battle for weight loss. The site would give you access to their Total Wellbeing Diet, together with tools to help you lose weight, support and most of all, access to lots of other like minded souls.

And it was free.

Worth a try, I thought. Can't hurt, got nothing to lose (well, except about 20-odd kilos). So, I jumped online, filled out the questionaire, and - oh, I must really be overweight, I was accepted for the study.

Well, after a few false starts, the website was up and running around the end of August 2010, and so was I. It was time for me, time to turn things around, time to get back to where I wanted to be. I knew I could do it, I had done it before, I just needed to be, as I say to the kids at school "in the right place at the right time".

So, in this blog, I'll share my journey, and share some of the blogs I wrote during this time. I'll even be brave enough to post some photos! It will keep me honest! Maybe by writing this blog, it may help someone out there face down their demons, and turn their life around too!


  1. Hi Mel! So proud of your honesty and your achievement. Well done to you Honey, and I look forward to following your journey!
    Penn xxx

  2. Hi Mel, that is just great mel and i am also ready to get started been hard at it for 10 weeks. Ive been doing aqua three days a week and walking 7 days a week and now joining with a personal trainer very excted and now this , so happy
