Monday, March 21, 2011

It's Not All Serious

After two weeks on the plan, I lost 2 kilos. Two weeks of sensible eating, where I was actually eating more than I was before. I should probably point out that I wasn't a "junk food junkie", on the surface I ate quite well - cereal for breakfast, fruit and sometimes yogurt for morning tea, salad and crackers for lunch - I wasn't actually eating enough! This led to drops in blood sugar in the afternoon which led to energy slumps which led to - poor food choices in the afternoon! Even at dinner time, my portions were the smallest in the family. So to be able to eat as much as I was and still lose weight - I was in heaven.

It was after about two weeks that I wrote the following blog. It was time to inject a bit of humour, time to lighten up a bit. Losing weight didn't have to be all serious stuff - sometimes we need a good laugh to help us along. I'm not sure where the inspiration came from - but I'm sure glad it did.

"Hello Old Friend

Hello again old friend.

Yes, I know, it's been a while since we've really communicated properly, but, it's not you, it's me.

You've always been the strong one, waiting patiently for me, always there with your honesty, I'm the one who just wasn't always ready to listen.

I think now I'm ready to build a relationship again. That's what I like about you. No matter how long I ignore you, sometimes for a year, you still welcome me back. You have always been there, in the background, silently watching me.

Why is it though I only want you when it's good news? Why can't I deal with it when it's bad? I've got to learn to take the good with the bad. I'm always telling others not to become too dependent on your friends, not to let what they say rule their day, not to let them dictate on whether they have a good day or a bad day. Not to let them determine their mood.

Obviously, at the moment, we are on good terms. In fact, over this year, we have been getting a little better acquainted again. The danger now is that I become too familiar with you again.  I have to try to keep the relationship down to meeting once a week.  More often and I will fall into the same trap as many others have.  I think once a week is healthy.

To think I was thinking of getting rid of you. How could I? Even trading you in for a sleeker, more modern model? You have been steadfast and loyal for so many years. You now have your own special place, easy to get to, easy to see, not hidden away as you were before.

I'm not afraid of you anymore. I don't pretend not to see you anymore. I know that every Friday morning, I will step on you, and you will have good news for me. At least your numbers are big enough for me to see without my glasses! Now when I get out of the shower in the morning and see you in the corner I smile, instead of cringing.

Here's to a long and happy friendship, dear scales.

(Mirror, I'm sorry, I'm just not ready to make up with you yet - maybe in a few more weeks.)"

12 September 2010
It turned out to be quite a while before mirror and I became friends again - but that's a whole new blog!

And just so you know what we are dealing with here, this is a photo taken in February, 2010!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Facing the Facts - The Bare Truth

I believe that if you want to change something, you have to admit the truth from the start. There is no point continuing to deny there is an issue, or downplay it, otherwise changes are just cosmetic - just a bandaid. You may make short term changes, but long term resolution won't happen. Weight loss is as much about what is happening in your head as it is what you put in your mouth.

So, part of my long term weight loss was going to involve in part actually admitting, deep down inside, that I was, in fact, overweight, not just "a little large", or just "a bit overweight". I was fat! There, I said it.

The scales I had at the start of the study said I weighed 86 kilos. Not too bad I thought. I only need to lose about 15 kilos. I can live with that. Mmmmm - nice little bubble I'm living in! Well, if that's the case, why am I a size 16, and boy they are starting to make them a little small these days!!!!!

Unfortunately, I didn't take my measurements at the start - I took them after about two weeks. Also along the way (weigh!) I bought new, more accurate scales (honesty is the best policy remember) - and, that meant I had about 6 more kilos to lose than I though! Oh well, I'm in too deep now!

So - here are the "bare" facts

Height 170cm
Weight - 92 kilos
Bust - 117.5cm
Waist 104cm
Hips 110cm
Thigh - Left 57.5 Right 59
BMI 31.84


Will I ever get my waist down to the recommended 88cm? That just seems too hard! And as for the BMI - that makes me - obese! eeek! Looks like I have got some hard work to do.

So, I will handle this task with a fair amount of humour (it's the only way) and a large (excuse the pun) amount of introspection. Hold on tight, it's going to be a rough ride!

Til next time.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Here We Go Again

"Well, here we go - again! I'm a 46 year old married mother of 3, with a full time job as a teacher's aide to students with special needs.

I need to lose around 15 kilos.
I need to exercise more.
I need to avoid the heart disease and type 2 diabeties that runs in my family.

So, here we go again!

I started the TWD on Monday, 30 August - and I've already lost 1 kilo! I'm not hungry, but as I work in a school, having trouble adjusting to not having morning tea! Sometimes I borrow from another meal.

A few years ago, I lost 20 kilos over a year, and put about 13 back on, so I know I can do this! Hopefully, with the help of this site, and the moral support of everyone on it, it will be (relatively) easy.

So, good luck everyone, remember you are not alone, check back in for support and encouragement, and remember, is that chocolate/cake/beer really worth it!

4 September 2010"

Well, that was my first blog on the CSIRO site - pretty tame really. Just a matter of introducing myself, and dipping my toe in the water! I had never blogged before, and I didn't know if first of all, anyone would bother reading it and secondly, if they did, what their reaction would be.

You have to remember at this stage, I was still very insecure, and still very worried about what other people thought. I'm not sure with the last line whether I was trying to encourage others, or myself!

So, what happened next? Only time would tell!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

How It All Started

It was 2010, some time in July. I was working full time and looking after my family. I was, and there is no way of sugar coating this - overweight. I was tired, and had no enthusiasm for life. I kept telling myself that "one day" I would do something about my weight, and "one day" that weight would come off.

There were many reasons why I was in this situation - more about those later. Suffice to say - here I was. Overweight, and if the BMI calculations were to be believed - actually obese (who? me? surely not). Then, during dinner, I was thrown a lifeline.

A story came on the television about a study being done by the CSIRO. They were setting up a website to determine whether social networking helped in the battle for weight loss. The site would give you access to their Total Wellbeing Diet, together with tools to help you lose weight, support and most of all, access to lots of other like minded souls.

And it was free.

Worth a try, I thought. Can't hurt, got nothing to lose (well, except about 20-odd kilos). So, I jumped online, filled out the questionaire, and - oh, I must really be overweight, I was accepted for the study.

Well, after a few false starts, the website was up and running around the end of August 2010, and so was I. It was time for me, time to turn things around, time to get back to where I wanted to be. I knew I could do it, I had done it before, I just needed to be, as I say to the kids at school "in the right place at the right time".

So, in this blog, I'll share my journey, and share some of the blogs I wrote during this time. I'll even be brave enough to post some photos! It will keep me honest! Maybe by writing this blog, it may help someone out there face down their demons, and turn their life around too!